June 12, 2006

Next step: Phase One

OK, I have said before that the next step in my attempt to get this back under control is to get back my relationship with God.

Phase One in that is to sign up to a Setting Captives Free course. I still have some reservations about this - specifically about confessing all (or any) to my wife at the moment - but I've given it a lot of thought and decided, what the heck, it's not like they're going to come looking for me if I refuse. (Incidentally, I'd like to say I've given it a lot of prayer, but that would just be a lie. My prayer life is rubbish at the moment. But I do feel a definite calling to do this, or something like it.)

It will take me longer than 60 days; I know that I at least won't log in most week-ends, and some days I will be out on business, but I'll give it a go, starting tomorrow, and post occasional thoughts, no doubt, here.


Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

Would confessing not be helpful? It does help to confess and she might be a good person to confess to. But you know your own needs and you know your own relationship.

God Bless


13/6/06 4:25 pm  
Blogger M386 said...

It would, Matthew, and I intend to tell her as much as she wants to know. But you may not have gathered from what you've read here that she has recently been suffering from a severe depression. I need to be absolutely sure she can cope with the news before going anywhere near the subject.

Thanks for keeping an eye on me though.

13/6/06 4:32 pm  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

No, I had not read that.

I am sorry to hear about that.

May you both be blessed.

14/6/06 7:57 am  

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