The Aim
I've decided that, while I'm tweaking this page to be a more useful 'one-stop shop' for what I need to kick this, it would be a good opportunity to restate my aims and the rules I need to follow in order to meet them.
In no particular order, the aims are:
In no particular order, the aims are:
- To stay away from all porn and other sources of temptation.
- Not to indulge in MB, sexual fantasy, or any remotely sexual activities without my wife.
- To explore the causes of my addiction.
- Not to think of it as just 'avoiding porn', but to fill the gap porn has been occupying with more positive things. Hence:
- To get my prayer life back on track.
- Write something.
- Read - the Bible, and some quality fiction.
- Spend more quality time with my family.
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