September 07, 2005

Walking the tightrope

I'm doing it again. I'm treading that fine line that separates acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

I'm messing about at my computer, wasting time online. Messing with my desktop wallpaper. Looking for new ones - something no good can come of...

Got myself a nice, female-free wallpaper on now, incidentally.

So it's day 26, and it's starting to get tough. But I'm not giving in. I've stopped myself going any further down the roads I know lead to trouble. Working is not coming easily though, and that's the problem.

There are three problems: firstly, I'm working at home, which means I'm not monitored and can pretty much do what I like, when I like.
Secondly, home has reverted to it's primeval swamp-like state, which gets me down every time I leave the office. I just know that I'm going to be on cleaning duty this evening, because my wife will get home too tired to help.
And thirdly, I get bored of work too quickly.

I could get a new job, kill all three problems in one shot. The idea has occurred to me. I've seen jobs I'd quite like. I don't know, however, whether that would be a sensible move, financially, and for job security, with a sprog imminent.

I could just go and do the bloody housework, of course; write off the rest of the day and start afresh tomorrow. That is almost certainly a viable option, however problem number three will still exist, and I think it's this that needs to be addressed. After all, that's what makes my mind wander and my fingers surf.

So, before tomorrow, then, I'm going to have to work out some sort of work strategy that allows me to get things done, but at the same time provides enough variety to keep my mind focussed on the job.


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