January 11, 2005

Addiction or Obsession?

Which is my problem? Is there, indeed, a difference?

Stedman's Medical Dictionary defines addiciton as
Habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control
and obsession as

Compulsive preoccupation with an idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety
Does the apparent ease with which I went without the practice for five weeks last year mean I am not addicited? Or does the ease with which I fell back into the habit mean I am?

It is/was certainly a compulsive preoccupation. It was certainly unwanted. I guess there was anxiety, but was that due to the obsession, or its effects? Does it matter?

Porn addiction is a known phenomenon, which is why I have so far considered myself an addict. I also know that I am a person who could easily become addicted; that's why I don't drink or smoke, although caffiene is a vice I have.

So, so far, so addicted. However, I think a closer look at obsession is called for.

This is what www.sane.org.uk has to say about obsession:

Obsessions are recurrent thoughts which are distressing and disturbing and which intrude forcibly against conscious resistance. The person experiencing them usually realises that they are irrational, but finds that fighting them only increases the anxiety.
I think I can tick the boxes there.

The obsessions are often accompanied by a compulsive desire to behave in a particular way which is almost impossible to resist.
So, an obsession leading to an addiction, perhaps?

Obsessions are often made more upsetting because they are associated with things that you find shameful. Thus, a religious person may be preoccupied with what he regards as unwholesome sexual ideas.
OK, I don't like to call myself religious, but I think they've got me there too.

I think that's plenty to think on for the moment, more thoughts on this subject will no doubt follow tomorrow.


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