July 28, 2006

Clean Freak: A Moment of Maturity

My wife is a slob. Left to her own devices, she would eat off paper plates rather than have to wash up. Cleanliness is a life choice, but one she has opted out of. I get my head bitten off if I suggest she picks her pants up off the bedroom floor - talk about your reverse stereotypes!

I, on the other hand, like some sort of order. I like food to be in the kitchen cupboards, rather than in carrier bags randomly located across the kitchen floor. And so - if I may be frank - from time to time, her slobbiness pisses me off.

And yet, over the last few days I have been building up to a moment of maturity. The moment when I realised that I would be far better off just getting on with the housework rather than wait for her to do her share. Turns out, it's a win-win situation:
  • Little & often ultimately means it takes less time. It should at least remove the need to spend whole afternoons cleaning.
  • If I keep on top of it, it will be easier to keep the house the way I like it - and I won't get depressed at living here.
  • If I put a regular, sustained effort into the housework there is a slim chance my wife might put regular, sustained effort into noticing and maybe even appreciating it.

And as regular readers may know, feeling under-appreciated at home has been a trigger in the past. It's all good.

Still clean, btw - the absurd heat brings out the skimpy summer togs, but it saps the energy, so it all cancels out.


Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

It is good to keep the place clean and tidy.

2/8/06 4:14 pm  

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