January 13, 2005

A Risky Game?

It's a good question:
are you sure it's genuine, that these are valid reasons and not just an attempt to justify keeping a porn stash?
I'm not sure of much at the moment, so far as this is concerned.
But one thing I am sure of, if I do slip back into the habit, there are certain websites I will go back to first. And when that happens, I will feel the need to go back and retrieve all the free pictures I know are available. The obsession with collecting the images will eat hours of my life, and do nothing but harm for my attempts to give up. I know this from experience.
I don't need to use porn, I know that much, and while I have a collection hidden away I don't need to look for it, so the whole situation is nicely controlled.
I know it's far from an ideal solution. Maybe part of me is convinced this is just a phase, that porn will, at some point, become an acceptable way to pass the time again.
I don't know what else to say without sounding like justifying a stash is exactly what I'm trying to do.
Yes, it's a risky game.
But I dealt this hand, and I'm going to play it.


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