September 27, 2006

Still struggling

I have been struggling for a few weeks now. I've left myself open by not being strict with myself on borderline stuff, and a bout of illness wiped out any kind of resolve I might have had last week. As a result, I fell badly at the beginning of this week, and am struggling to pick myself up again.

Which is unfortunate because I've hit on some inspiration for the porn addict's story I've been trying to write, and really need to get on with it, but I can't seem to focus with all this negativity in my head.

I am going to try to get back into the blogging habit, make a point of coming here every day and making an honest report of what I've been up to. I hate having to report that I mb'd, or went looking for porn, or ogled some girl at the newsagents, or whatever it is. But unless I'm strict with myself on that, I'll forget how bad this can get.

I'm also going to try to spend a bit more time at higher-calling, where I can learn from other people, and hopefully make a start on rebuilding my spiritual life, which has inevitably suffered of late.

So tomorrow I make another fresh start.


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