April 14, 2005

Two weeks clean...

Part one Part two

Well, since it's a bit of a tradition, I'll celebrate this first milestone again.
It is, after all, the first time I've strung a fortnight together since this happened, so why not?

So, today will be two weeks without porn, and without MB.

It's not all plain sailing at the moment though.

Recently a challenge was posted on the support board, asking whether we, the recovering addicts, were serious in our efforts. At the time I genuinely believed I was. However, that voice at the back of my mind, the voice of the inner addict, is getting more persistent.

Just get to the end of your April commitment, then you can have a little porn.

Well, OK, go for the nine week record, then there will be plenty of new stuff on your favourite sites.

If you can complete the 100 day challenge, you've got it under control. Then you can make an occasional visit, see who's doing what to whom, and leave it alone for another 100 days.

Now, rational me has no intention of doing any of those things, but an increasing part of me is actually listening to this crap. So, how serious am I?


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