April 06, 2006

Badly needed time out

Well, the Easter break is here, so I'm taking a couple of weeks off work to spend some time with the family.

I don't plan on using the pooter much in that time, so if this turns out to be my last post for a while, don't worry - I will be back.

Hopefully, the time out will be sufficient to get my head straight again after a couple of recent p/mb incidents, and I can begin following those rules properly, and heading towards completing my aims...

April 05, 2006

The Playboy legacy

Now I don't usually comment on the rest of the world's opinions on porn; I try not to think about it when I'm not actively looking for it or blogging here.

But I happened across this article earlier, which, among other things, tells us:

Pornography, Hef still assures us, is an antidote to social and personal troubles rather than an obvious source of them, and his own softer brand of the stuff is in any case so innocuous as to have no harmful social consequences whatever.

Oh, right, I must be imagining it then...

(I should point out that the quote above is reporting Mr Hefner's opinion, and is in fact contrary to the tone of the article itself.)

April 04, 2006

I wish I could forget stuff

like the name of the model I just googled. How stupid was that? It doesn't even matter that I didn't dive head first back into it, I still went too far. Even those little thumbnail pics are enough to remind me what I'm 'missing out on'. And naturally, now I've got an appetite for more. Grrrr.

As for why I googled this person in the first place; well, nearest I can figure, it's just conditioning. I happened to be in the house on my own, the computer was on, the thought occured to me... and I was weak enough to respond to it.

I guess I should be grateful it didn't turn ino anything worse; and pray that I can withstand the temptations that little incursion has left me with.

And then I'll start conditioning myself to do something else when I'm home alone.

April 03, 2006

Splash of colour

I didn't just add that chart thingy at the top of the page for colour; I actually want to see that green bar (porn & mb free days) move along from it's starting position in the middle of '01.01.06'.

That will (hopefully) give me some idea of overall progress, in both porn avoidance and html coding...