August 31, 2005

Why I hate my Mother-in-law

Aside from my personal Spiral of Despair over the last few months, other things have been spiralling out of control over longer periods of time, and I am just beginning to achieve sufficient clarity to identify them.

How long this has been going on, I don't know. And where it all started is something of a chicken/egg debate. One thing I do know is that pregnancy has exacerbated a problem that already existed in our home. The following discussion of which may be alarmingly frank.

On any given working day, whether I have been out on the road or catching up with paperwork in the spare room, I will return to the living room some time after 5.30, and find it a complete disaster area. Even if my wife has been home for 2 hours. It's worse if she's had a day off. She will have spent the day in there, creating a small hill-fort of rubble around her chair while she vegges out in front of daytime TV. So after a hard day's work, I wander into this f*cking bombsite, and being the pathologically tidy person I am, have to start clearing up. This, of course, is the first point of conflict.

Point of conflict #2 comes at dinner time. It's my wife's job to cook. Not because I'm sexist, but because she's just better at it than me. I think; she doesn't trust me to cook so much as a salad without interfering and, ultimately, taking over. But the arrangement works, to a point; the point being that, because she cooks, I do everything else. So after dinner she returns to what remains of her hill-fort, and gradually rebuilds the bits I demolished earlier while vegging out in front of primetime TV, while I wash up, clean the kitchen, put the rubbish out, maybe put some laundry on, and so on.

And when I eventually get to sit down, she will either be engrossed in some sh*te on TV, or if there is nothing sh*te enough for her to watch, promptly disappear to phone her mother for an hour or two.

All of which, over a period of time, has allowed plenty of scope for the relationship between us to get more and more distant. I have used porn to escape the frustration, and often anger, I feel at this situation. Which, naturally, increases the distance between us.

Pregnancy has exacerbated this because (a) she doesn't want sex, so any time we might have found for intimacy is now dedicated to sleep (usually in front of the TV) and (b) she needs to talk to someone about the child: enter, again, her mother.

My wife thinks I seem distant, detached from the whole pregnancy experience. I feel distant, detached from the whole marriage experience, never mind anything else. This ball of resentment grows because, rather than talk to me, she will phone her mother. And, knowing she's going to be talking for at least an hour, I find myself with an ideal opportunity to medicate my negativity with porn. Which increasingly detaches me from the reality of our relationship... and so on.

Yesterday - while she was on the phone to her mother - I confronted these feelings when they arose. First, boredom. I cannot watch TV just because it's there. I had been working at the computer all day; that was the last place I wanted to go. I thought about cleaning up; that just brought about a wave of anger at her laziness, so I found something else to occupy my hands, although my mind still went back to resenting my Mother-in-law.

And, of course, I realised that all this was connected to the porn issue. I realised that, during the course of the pregnancy, there has been an increasing shortage of intimacy (not just sex; cuddles, deep and meaningful conversations; just plain having fun together) which I have been replacing with porn.

That's not to blame my wife, my Mother-in-law or my soon to be child for my porn addiction; porn had already muscled it's way into my life, and was just waiting for the excuse to lure me back. Similarly, though, my wife's laziness and slobbiness, and the lengthy phone calls to her mother, have been present throughout our marriage.

I'm not going to start the chicken/egg debate. Turning to porn was wrong. Whatever caused that initially, I'm beginning to track down issues that have caused it to progress.

And that is why, I suppose, I should be grateful to my Mother-in-law.

August 30, 2005

Last night, I was looking at porn

I can't remember what, or why; I can't remember enough to subject the experience to any kind of useful analysis.

I do remember that part of me was battling the will to act out. I remember wondering if the fact that I had looked was ok, as long as I didn't then masturbate - a pretty wierd reversal of my former opinion, thanks to the Inner Addict...

And I remember the enormous sense of relief when I woke up and realised it was just one of those annoying porn-dreams, an irritating hangover caused by the withdrawal.

I kind of wish I remember it a bit more vividly, in case there was some handy hint my subconscious was trying to give me, but I take that feeling of relief instead; to have lost the last eighteen days when I'm feeling this good about quitting would have been the trigger to an enormous spiral, I suspect...

August 26, 2005

Two weeks clean

Episode IV: A New Hope

Yes, today, once again, we reach Day Fourteen, not just porn-free but MB-free to boot.

Hardly earth-shattering news in comparison to some of my earlier streaks, but it's only the fourth time I've got to this point - and the first since April - so I'm sure as hell not going to let it pass without comment.

To recap:
Episode One - November 2004
Episode Two - January 2005
Episode Three - April 2005

And how is it going this time?

Well, I don't need it at the moment. A lot of songs on the radio and other stuff has, for reasons I couldn't always identify, reminded me of some of my favourite sites. Which is just annoying; I have no urge to go back, it's just my brain refusing to let me get on with my life. But I have noticed that this is happening, and can modify my behaviour to ensure I don't put myself in a vulnerable position.

And the weekend starts tomorrow, so if I can stay clean today, I'm (almost) guaranteed to start Day Eighteen with a clean slate.

May the Force be with you.

August 25, 2005

Shiny, silver disk of corruption

A long time ago (well, at the beginning of this year, I think) I went on a porn binge. Several, in fact. I found a source of free pictures of girls I liked, and outfits that satisfied my fantasies. I must have spent many hours - days, weeks probably - downloading them.

Then I got a bit obsessive-compulsive, identifying the models, categorizing the pictures, saving hundreds of pictures in tidy little folders on my hard drive. Which, of course, was a stupid place to save them, since my wife uses the same PC.

So the addict came up with a crafty little scheme: hide the porn on boring work CD-ROMs, buried under several layers of folders in case they got found. These CDs then got tucked away with other, more innocuous disks, so only I would ever be able to find my stash in future.

This morning - while working - I found these CD-ROMs.

There was a moment's hesitation; do I know that these are the porn CDs? And do I know they're not just porn - what if they've got some important documents on them too? Shouldn't I at least check what's on them before doing anything too hasty?

But I've learnt.

Hasty is the only way to do things like this; if you have the will power, act quickly before the addict gets control again. And whatever you do, don't do anything that might expose the addict to a wealth of porn files...

So I smashed the disks. Without looking.

I know there wasn't anything important on them. I know I used disks whose content had been superseded. And I know that, if I was wrong, a fresh copy of the documents is only a phone call away. The addict will have to try harder than that to drag me back to my old ways.

And the addict will no doubt keep trying; but this is a positive step for me, and one that makes it harder for the addict.

August 22, 2005


Insomnia is the one* physical effect all this porn & mb has had on me.

I've rarely stayed up late surfing for porn.

My wive often leaves for work at around 7am, and in the depth of a binge I have booted up as soon as she left the house; but I probably would have gotten up anyway, once she had woken me (or am I just making excuses? - discuss).

Yet getting a whole night's sleep has been a problem for some time.

In the darkest times, I think the amount of working time wasted on porn sites would nag at me after the event, keeping me from sleeping properly. Or I would go to bed with pornographic images fresh in my mind, playing the scenes out in my head over and over... Or I would just go to bed struggling with my inner addict, wanting to pray him away, but feeling unworthy to ask anything of God; and deep down, not wanting to throw out my secret stash.

Now though, it's something different. I don't have a struggle at the moment; the inner addict is, consciously at least, in retreat. I'm wasting less time. There are no fresh images. I know I'm worthy, and can pray for anything. I don't want or need a porn stash.

But subconsciously, the addict is at work. Last night, I dreamt I mb'd in the shower. No big deal; and not something that's currently out of the question for me. But I suspect the addict may be trying to lure me back to porn, so I will stay hands off for now.

And, of course, it's a withdrawal symptom. I am an addict, and I have been feeding my addiciton over the last month or so; withdrawal is to be expected. Insomnia is, also, the only physical effect of withdrawal I have experienced in the past; I suppose I should hope to be as lucky in the future.

This concerns me now, though, as I have a long day tomorrow: a full day's work with a 3 hour commute each way. Sleeping tonight is, therefore, top priority.

*in the process of researching haemorrhoids though :(

August 21, 2005

He's on to me!

Ever been totally convicted of anything during a church service?

I might have thought I had been until this morning. I'd applied the talk to my life way before the speaker got to the point, but when he actually admitted to having struggled with inappropriate websites it was all I could do to even keep breathing. Heaven knows how I would have reacted if I had still been mired in it as I was two weeks ago. It has certainly reinforced the fact that, however secretive I am about it, God knows what I've done.

I guess I've found someone I can 'fess up to now... all I have to do is find an appropriate opportunity.

I expect one will show itself. These things have a way of working themselves out like that.

August 19, 2005

Moving on...

That's enough retrospection for now.

Today, there is current news to share: sobriety is already paying off.

Sure, a week in, it's a bit early to talk about having turned my life around, but nonetheless, there is progress.

There has been in the last 24 hours, a significant event in the mysterious 'work for God' I keep mentioning. (I wish I could say more about it, but for now I wish to retain my anonymity here.) Anyway, something quite unexpected has happened to reaffirm my faith in the original vision, and give me encouragement to carry it forward.

It could, of course, be a coincidence that it should happen now; but I don't believe in them.

I believe this is God's reward for a good decision, and a clean week, on my part.

How much more successful can my ministry become if I continue to follow this path?

I look forward to finding out!

August 18, 2005


Eventually it occurred to me. The way to break the Spiral Of Despair.

In the end, my porn use was no longer a matter of 'slipping'. I consciously chose which websites I would visit, decided exactly which images I would download.

Similarly, by a conscious act of will, I broke the Spiral.

I simply decided I had given up porn. I destroyed what I had been collecting over the previous few weeks, cleared all traces of the websites I'd visited from my PC, and moved on.

In church on the first Sunday of my new found sobriety, I decided that I would live that day for God. And at that point came the true Epiphany.

For the first time since acknowledging porn was a problem, I realised that I didn't need to wait for God's forgiveness. I didn't need a record breaking sober streak, or even a clean week under my belt. Deciding to give up porn and live for God was enough. There is no probationary period. I had truly repented, and received forgiveness - instantly.

Knowing that, I have been able to get on with my life - and resume the work I was doing for God without worrying about whether or not I was worthy of it.

Thank you, Lord.

August 17, 2005

Crisis of faith

Even before that first slip, I was coming from a bad place.

My struggle with porn hadn't been going well. That, combined with other stress factors in my life, left my prayer life almost non-existent.

I wanted to get on with my life, pursue the work I believed God had destined for me, but I didn't know where to start. God was distant, and I couldn't work out how to get close to Him again.

When I slipped back into old habits, it got even harder. You can't serve God and Porn.

And Porn was easier to get hold of.

As I got dragged deeper into the world of internet porn, images from it taunted me when I closed my eyes. I was doing porn at every possible opportunity. In the end I had surrounded myself with porn for so much of the time that it was all I could think of.

It truly had become the most important thing in my life. Almost the only thing in my life.

But even as this went on, part of me was still wondering: What could I achieve if I put as much effort into seeking God as I do into seeking Porn? Why hadn't God had the same effect when He was the most important thing in my life?

Maybe I would never get that back. Maybe I had gone so far from God that there was no way back, and Porn would take his place forever. I even started to wonder whether that would be so bad. If I stopped beating myself up over it, surely I would waste less time, and could get on with my life as well?

August 16, 2005


During the weeks I've been away from here, I've been away from the support board too. That hasn't helped my recovery - my big plans for July quickly evaporated - but it has given me the opportunity to watch the addicition in my own life, without allowing the experiences and opinions of others to affect the way I view it.

Of course, I write this with hindsight; looking back, I can see a microcosm of how porn addiction slowly took over my life, from teenage meddling up until the beginning of this blog.

The first slip was just that. I had filters in place so nothing xxx-rated could slip through, but a fairly innocent picture of some nice girl or other in a bikini (or something of the sort) did.

And once I'd slipped once, I got caught in a spiral of despair.

After a slip, the clean days (9 was the most I strung together during my absence - and for some time before that) seemed wasted. I started afresh, but needed to get back to where I had been before I felt I could continue God's work.

That prospect filled me with dread; dread which, of course, pretty ladies would take my mind off.

For a while.

Soon pretty ladies wasn't enough. They needed to be pretty ladies dressed a certain way.

Then that wasn't enough. I found pretty ladies who weren't dressed at all, that my web filter overlooked.

Then I figured, why bother with a web filter, if you just go straight to the sites it overlooks?
And turned it off.

I used porn to relieve sexual tension, got it out of my system, and went back to work.

For a while.

Pretty soon, it got really ugly, and that thought process, the Spiral of Despair, continued to repeat. I started using porn just for its own sake, and wouldn't stop after a quick fix.

And the longer I looked, the less effect what I looked for was having.

So I looked elsewhere. I looked for something new. Something with an edge.

And so my quick fix became a binge. My bikini models became increasingly extreme hardcore porn movies.

Immediately before my latest Day One, the sickness peaked again, almost without me noticing. For the best part of three days, all my spare time was consumed with seeking and downloading porn.

August 15, 2005

Announcing my return!

Yes, I'm back on line now. My time away has been a mix of comforting highs and crashing lows. I haven't remained free of porn. I've been on some scary binges.

I've learnt a lot, about myself, my addiction, and what threads of my faith I was hanging on to when I last posted.

What I've learnt I will sum up over the next few blogs.

I hope those readers who have been kind enough to post replies in the past pick this entry up; thanks for your support, the story will resume tomorrow.